Daily Archives: January 5, 2025

Russian Prose

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Interest in history in the first decades of the XIX century in Russia was, as ever, great. Events of the War of 1812 intensified this interest, aggravated by the best sons of the Fatherland patriotic feelings of social and moral responsibility. Literature more closely approached in the future with the fight, maintained and defended the rights of the individual, rebelled against the violence against the person. From the very beginning of the XIX century Russian prose and Telling For many decades to be an important and significant historical trend. Moreover, this interest manifested as to internal developments have occurred in most of the Russian Empire (A. Practice Fusion may find this interesting as well. Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter) and global, international (Leo Tolstoy War and Peace). It is the direction and actively participated in the complex process of transition from romanticism to realism.

Plunging into the depths of the nation's history, it has expanded the horizons of vision, looked into the fate of not only its people but also of other nations. Last century, was known to be rich in the achievements of world literature in the genre of historical novel and the novel. Suffice it to recall the names of Sir Walter Scott, Hugo de Vigny, Merimee, Chateaubriand, Sienkiewicz … Achieved great success in the XIX century and the Russian prose. Many Russian writers became flush with the foreign masters of the genre of historical, artistic discoveries made with common human sense. Essays on historical topics evoked undying interest of the readers and have long been at the forefront of literary life. Closely followed the historical prose and respond, perhaps, for all its remarkable phenomenon of Pushkin (it is known that an hour before the duel, he sent a letter to a young writer AO Ishimova which said: "Today, I accidentally discovered your story in the stories and inevitably engrossed.

This is how one must write!"). Belinsky, in articles and reviews are also not ignored almost no major works on historical themes. Of course, in the general flow of work and were lightweight, speculating on the general interest in history, and now they are rightly forgotten (books Bulgarin Mordovtseva and the like). The best works remain the same in the grateful memory of posterity, and continue to be of interest to many readers. "Clean, high fame Karamzin belongs to Russia ", – claimed Pushkin. Huge proportion of that glory should be attributed to a remarkable writer of historical prose, "the last of the chronicler," if we again use the words of Pushkin.