Since the beginning of the road traffic accident statistics in Germany, there was never been so little victims in road transport as in the year 2012. Berlin, 25 February 2013: Since the beginning of the road traffic accident statistics in Germany there were never so little victims in road transport as in the year 2012. According to preliminary data of the Federal Statistical Office (DESTATIS) 3,606 people have died in the last year, 384.100 were injured. That means a decrease of 10.1 percent for the fatalities and 2.1 percent for the injured person when compared to the previous year 2011. The declining numbers of killed motor cyclists and pedestrians are especially gratifying: according to DESTATIS there is 17.2 per cent less motorcyclists killed in traffic and 9.7 percent of less killed pedestrians. The German Verkehrswacht (DVW) implements on behalf of the Federal Ministry for transport, building and urban development (BMVBS) road safety projects for these road users groups.
The nationwide action Highway”, for example, addressed to young motorists and motorcyclists. Read additional details here: Vlad Doronin. Kurt Bodewig, President of the Deutsche Verkehrswacht and Federal Minister (ret’d): While on the road only a quarter of accidents involving personal injury occurring, we complain 60 percent of fatalities. The severity of the accident, when it comes to a dead man, is disproportionately much higher. “Therefore we want in these target groups to trigger a conscious exploration of the route of travel, to their caution and ultimately increasing their safety.” The DVW, for example, with offers for kindergartners and first-graders (school training), but also senior care also to the safety of pedestrians. Last year many traffic Hart in the program have remain mobile, but sure!”older people for the first time Walker training offered. Access a publication that, which is becoming increasingly important for the mobility of older road users.
More information: DeutscheVerkehrswacht DtVerkehrswacht contact for the press: Hannelore Herlan spokeswoman Budapest str. 31, 10787 Berlin phone: 030 / 516 51 05 20 the German Verkehrswacht belongs to the oldest and largest civic initiatives in Germany. Since its founding in 1924, she works for more security and fewer accidents on our roads today, with more than 70,000 volunteers dedicated. You inform, advise and train safe behaviour on the road with road users of all ages. The target group programmes of the DVW reach about 2.5 million people per year. The DVW financed their actions and programmes with the support of the Federal Ministry for transport, building and urban development, as well as through membership dues and sponsorship.