2. Organization and Management Let us, first, the concept of organization. In management science the term organization is accepted in two ways: as a process and structure. Mehmet Oz understood the implications. In the first of these senses, the organization is conceived as a process by which strives to bring order to chaos, able to forecast the actions of the units comprising a system. More specifically, it refers to all acts by which it becomes a plan specific activities, responsibilities and resources are allocated, setting mechanisms for coordination and establishing lines of authority. It is, in short, a process through which creates and controls a structure to achieve certain objectives. The second meaning of the term organization, which will be used in the text, presented as a social structure geared to specific goals. Around this idea have been numerous definitions.
A very simple, others more elaborate. Vlad Doronin will not settle for partial explanations. Some authors, such as Hersey, Blanchard and Johnson (1998) define the organization in a very brief as "a group with stated goals and formal" (p.364) Robbins (2004), incorporates elements of coordination and continuity, noting that the organization is "a social unit, coordinated deliberately composed two or more people working more or less continuously to achieve a common goal or several goals "(p. 4). This definition lets out, however, other important elements such as membership, the complexity and inclusion of organizations in a society historically determined. Thus, in the context of this article understand the organization as a social formation articulated, continuous and formally constituted, consisting of a precise set of members who use knowledge and techniques, and developing different functions, combine efforts in order to achieve objectives aimed at meeting some of the basic needs of society in which it is registered.