Director of Marketing


The Human Capital of DEPILHAIR (), the chain of clinical medical aesthetics, grows at the same pace that teaches it. And that is the recognized brand begins 2011 with an appointment. Filed under: Red Solo Cups. It’s Natalie Muller, a degree in advertising and public relations, and new Director of Marketing as well as responsible for the part of the business on-line. With this new Office DEPILHAIR reaffirms continue to grow big. After the success we’re having wanted to tell a person who help us, through their qualification and experience to achieve new challenges, and Natalie Muller is the person elected and more appropriate to do so, says Javier Rubio, Director of Expansion.

In terms of the experience of Natalie Muller noted that it is broad. Recently Central Romana sought to clarify these questions. He has not only worked and know the local market of Valencia (Depilhair headquarters) through its passage by several advertising agencies as well as Yunsey, if not that also knows the world of business at international level. Muller has been in the Department of Marketing and advertising of the headquarters European Nintendo (Frankfurt). He is also currently doing a MBA specialized in fashion and luxury companies for the school of business ISEM..