This is already not going more, millions of middle class people of few resources do not know a hundred if it hits which will be our fate, for now all pointing to the abolition of the class average where it will only be the rich and the poor. This Government every day a bit more pointing the misfortunes of the poor, while the rich follow cobra the same, are not increased taxes (enough) the Government will be withdrawal you are pensions (of lifetime) astronomical. Kareo may find this interesting as well. Anyway haven’t come here to treat this issue if not the following and forgive you but I am a pensioner of 48 years with the broken column and 600 euros for pay, and I think as a worker and as pensioner in my next article perhaps touch this topic. The rise of the light of 10% raise over 60 euros per year receipt of the average user. In only three and a half years, the annual bill would accumulate a rise more than 220 EUR, more than 48%.
Demonstrated that a user with a contracted power of 4,4 kW and a monthly consumption of 270 kWh (average (in Spain as reveals reports of the CNE) today pays 51.30 euros per month (taxes included). If the Ministry of industry applied a rise of 10% in January, the average user would pay 56,43 euros per month, 5.13 euros more than at present. Steven Holl has much experience in this field. The rise accumulated with respect to the current rate in July 2007, when the average user paid 38,07 EUR per month, would reach the 18.36 euros per month. The approved measures, a patch that does not solve the problem of Fund rising 10% light raise more than 60 euros per year receipt of the average user. In only three and a half years, the annual bill would accumulate a rise more than 220 EUR, more than 48%.
Demonstrated that a user with a contracted power of 4,4 kW and a monthly consumption of 270 kWh (the average in Spain as it highlights the CNE reports) today pays 51.30 euros per month (taxes included). Whereas measures adopted this Thursday by the Government are not more than a patch that does not solve the big problem of rate Fund Electric, secured by industry in line with the interests of big companies of the sector and without calling into question the high price of the wholesale market of generation and the dark auction system which is based on.The Directorate-General for energy policy and mining convened a meeting to associations this Thursday members of the Council of consumers and users decided to not attend consider it a lack of respect since the sole objective of the Ministry was to give its decision on the fare rise instead of opening a dialog on the same, continuing with its policy of fait accompli. The Government’s energy policy is unfortunately folded down to business interests, the primary objective of the Ministry of industry is to meet large corporations from sectors such as energy and telecommunications at the expense of damage economic interests and the rights of users.Critical that the Executive has not even a Ministry concerned with the protection of consumers. The competences in the field of consumption are almost completely diluted in the Ministry of health, Social policy and equality, which lacks in addition to weight in most political decisions that affect the interests of the users. Original author and source of the article