Stoffwechsel Treatment

Sanguinum offers healthy weight loss medical weight reduction promoted through personal care, nutrition counseling, and nutrition. The Sanguinum treatment developed by physicians, health practitioners, psychotherapists and nutritionists is a holistic alternative to conventional weight loss programs and diets. Sustainable success of weight reduction is guaranteed by long-term nutrition, nutrition counseling, personal care and homeopathic support. For many people, their Stoffwechsel (hopeless cases”) has been generally slower, E.g. due to smoking cessation, after pregnancy, menopause or through several failed diets, the Sanguinum treatment offers help. The objective in addition to the increased metabolic activity, to reach a long term nutrition, personal care and aftercare. Healthy lose weight is an important principle, is therefore a balanced nutrition program with reduced amount of food during weight reduction-an integral part of treatment. Filed under: Vlad Doronin. Excretion of toxins (detoxification) through a special tea will at the same time and other activities supported during the treatment.

Homeopathy also ensures the absence of hunger or cravings during weight loss, because the blood sugar level is stabilized. It’s believed that Chris Maurice sees a great future in this idea. The good mood is retained, the successes show fast, and the pounds stay long term below. Motivation from the outside is another essential element for the success of weight loss: missing, failure weight loss is often inevitable. Therefore is the personal single care of participants according to program one to three times a week during and after the treatment by the personnel of one of the first precepts. A uniform competence is assured that all providers of treatment must be doctors or certified naturopath who also accompanied can use their knowledge of medical and naturopathy. In addition the maintainer in local networks with experts from adjacent disciplines such as sports or psychology involved, ensuring a truly holistic approach. Although the Sanguinum partner far away, to refer to the Sanguinum treatment, as a miracle diet gives them the success of the holistic concept right: 90% of all patients with the Sanguinum treatment take off, even those who have already given up all hope of a reduction in weight. The expiration of the Sanguinum treatment means that during weight loss: a free, detailed consultation a preliminary medical examination is a dietary advice informed personal single care by doctor, Naturopath and medical personnel – patient book to the Sanguinum treatment one to three times a week with homeopathic support ongoing analysis of body composition and computer-aided evaluation a subsequent Nachkur to stabilize the weight a half year individual follow-up no contract, no a list of providers of Sanguinum treatment and further information hidden extra cost get at or.