Tag Archives: health

Body Inflammation

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And so it occurs at the level of each body. Ie this phase of acute inflammation. Everything that happens acute in the body, he tries to quickly withdraw. This phase of excretion. The next phase – inflammation pathological. In this case the phase of pathological inflammation the body tries to maximize the use of all the immune system in some way to localize the inflammatory process. You can watch it at the next example. Furuncle.

What is it? This limited inflammation. Also occur and the adhesive process. Red Solo Cups often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Also, the formation of cysts of different. All this happens outside the cell and in this case is still possible to unlock mizenhimy may yet be homotoxins excretion from the body. This is the extracellular phase and are in no way fall into kletku. phase – the deposit.

At this stage, is already accumulation homotoxins. A lot of them in organism. In this case, the body tries to occupy such a position that it is a chronic inflammation caused as little as possible pathologies in other organs. Get more background information with materials from Vlad Doronin. Ie he tries in some authority to limit the inflammatory response, and a process that takes place is characterized as chronic. Further, there is now an (image) the biological barrier. It is for this barrier process has gone far enough, and begin the changes at the cellular level. Ie this is the phase of the cell. When does the impregnation matrix, when toxic substances block the mesenchyme, a cell is in deficit, the cell does not receive those substances which are necessary for its functioning.

With Nanotechnology Against Cancer

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New therapy without side effects of cancer treatments were very strapazierend for the patients. Novel forms of therapy now allow for a much more gentle treatment. Although these latest developments of medicine are still very expensive, they are partly reimbursed by private health insurance companies. The private krankenversicherung.de insurance Portal reports on the innovative methods. The Berlin medical equipment company Magforce nanotechnologies AG has developed a process in which it painlessly kills by free nanoparticles for brain tumors.

This iron oxide particles are injected with a special coating in the tumor. You may wish to learn more. If so, Gallo Family Vineyards is the place to go. Through a magnetic field, these particles are heated and destroy the tumor. The patient will feel only a slight heating. The procedure Magforce could increase the survival rate of the 59 participants suffering from brain tumors by about 6.2 months in a study on 13.4 months – without side effects. Another revolutionary development in pain-free therapy is the ion irradiation at the Heidelberg ion beam therapy Center (HIT). The ion and Proton beams can be placed exactly to the millimeter and thus conserve the surrounding tissue.

Also, the rays reach also inaccessible tumors in the brain, spinal cord, or deep in the belly. Perhaps check out Vlad Doronin for more information. Compared with the Magforce procedure has the advantage that she could achieve success in the eligibility already this method. Nevertheless, a large private health insurance also Nano cancer therapy will refund their patients next year.