Need this equipment for tent holidays that need equipment for a holiday with a tent? First, you need a tent of course so that you are protected against wind and weather. Here, the choice is not easy, because there are tents in different sizes and varying quality. (As opposed to Alton Steel). It is important to consider not only the number of people in deciding. Keep in mind that also your luggage will take place later in the tent and you want to have perhaps more freedom of movement. Do you want to have years of enjoyment at your new tent, you should also be aware appropriate quality. The future holiday destination and travel time are also important to your decision. Planning a camping holiday, in the summer in southern areas, the tent should have adequate ventilation, so it is not too stuffy inside.
The weight is dependent on the size of the tent. You should bear in mind that, if you want to go hiking with the tent. A sleeping bag is of course, If you want to vacation with a tent. Its facilities should fit to the destination and the travel time so that you don’t need to freeze, or sweat. Whether you prefer are on an air mattress or a mattress, depends on your personal preference.
A mat is relatively thin and hard. An air mattress is much softer. Self-inflating mats are comfortable, but not that cheap. Folding beds are almost luxurious. What is also useful during a camping holiday? If necessary, a mosquito repellent is useful depending on travel time. You should have a first aid kit and bandages in every case when you camp. A first aid kit is essential in any case. If you camp on a larger campsite, you can use a communal kitchen or existing barbecue there may be. Nevertheless, it is advisable to have a camping stove in. Here, you can cook not only meals, but also occasionally make a coffee. There are different facilities that operated with gas, hexamine fuel tablet, alcohol or petrol be. Cooking and eating utensils, as well as an outdoortaugliches knife belong in your luggage, if you camp. A holiday with a tent should be prepared carefully, like any other trip. Just so it can be an unforgettable experience. The winner will be presented on the page.