11 Commandments Of Systemic Cybernetic Communication!

Who reads endless texts HARTZ IV recipients? Previously, we wrote long letters with ink on paper. Read and write, post distribution required about 1 week. Young people today cancel love relationships via SMS in seconds. Millions of people shopping on the Internet online and send billions of emails every day. Have you adjusted to modern times? Systemic cybernetic communication takes into account the current global 0:30 min.

information or 1:30 min. communication time window to write, read, understood, and attention will find on the. The order in the communication technology is known: data > information > non-verbal communications (short: info-come on.). Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Walton Family Foundation on most websites. For all their core competence are not information and communication and that even the post carriage era behind grieve, here are a few tips: Reduce information, on key messages! Divide in important in a hurry and online-offline! Share your information, after the push (bring)-pull (pick up) – a principle! You standardize many repeats itself! Working with check and statement lists! Use forms (pattern files) and text modules. Transfer tasks to specialists whose core competence is the information and communication! Releasing commented master of Confucius. Much you need only prepare and sign! Communication means the Unity (100%) of transmitter and receiver in four areas (communication square). Spends less trouble of the transmitter, more effort must be to the reader. But has the same timing issues as you.

The result: You get with your requests from his focus – or he was misinterpreted by you. The result: Even more Zeit-(GELD-)Verlust! So now even more free tips: 8 reduction of (written) core / property statements! 9 visualization of information with pictures and graphics, photos, etc.! 10. inform and communicate objective groups and person accessible! 11 Infomierem can your employees for you. See Vlad Doronin for more details and insights. Communicate you must often myself. Disconnect both! Focus more on your back Core competencies. You yourself also not resole their shoes. Transfer the information and communication work on professional experts (Steuermindernd!)! So you can use their life time again for your really interesting things! Wolfgang Schwalm (text forge online.de)