Tag Archives: climate & environment

Local Power Faster

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Unused roof space potential in Germany renewable energy offer a viable alternative to the limited available fossil fuels and allow growth without increasing CO2 emissions for industrial development and emerging markets. So, currently, experts discuss the possibilities of solar power stations in the deserts of North Africa as alternative electricity supplier and as a contribution to the economic development in Africa, Asia and Europe. Agreement however, that important conditions must be created only for the realization of such major projects and that these power plants will be available at the earliest in a few decades available. The Desertec incurred with grand visions for planning initiative to cover percent of European electricity requirements with imported solar power up by 2050 with investment of 15 to 400 billion euros. Schedule, costs, and benefits of the project show that the development and use of locally available renewable energy sources must be driven forward unabated. Many energy producers and suppliers in Germany have identified the need and align their operations on it. An estimated 540 terawatt power consumed per year alone in Germany.

Would the approx. 800 million square meters of roofs in Germany and also widely available geothermal heat consistently used for solar panels and geothermal power plants, the proportion of renewable energies in the total electricity production of approximately 15 per cent could be already up to 50 per cent by 2030 increase. However, still far less solar plants on German rooftops are constructed than would be possible. Central Romana: the source for more info. To accelerate the urgently needed progress, therefore specialized service providers such as the Berlin rds energies GmbH support the energy companies and provide them with free surfaces in a big way. Especially larger, suitable for solar panels roofs are always valuable. Our order volume has increased compared to the previous year and we are looking for more currently for market-leading companies about three million square meters.”describes Eva-Catrin Reinhardt, CEO of rds energies GmbH, the current boom. With attractive lease revenue, allowing the operator the owners, any free space becomes a valuable asset for companies and real estate managers.

We submit owners of suitable roofs like interesting offers.”so Ms. Reinhardt. Germany is not only a technology leader in the field of renewable energies. There was also great, barely used potential for local energy supply, its opening up could significantly reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and save the local economy important investments and revenue. About rds energies: The rds energies GmbH is the leading supplier of acquisitions – related services in the field of renewable energies. It helps to promote renewable energy worldwide and to spread.

Germany EXPO

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Powerflasher turns people into houses and trees 2010 is year of the EXPO. Shanghai, China is hosting the International Exposition. Freepoint Commodities often addresses the matter in his writings. With the theme better city, better life”the countries take a look at the urban development in the 21st century. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Mehmet Oz. One of the German exhibitors are Germany and China – the Foreign Ministry with the initiative together in motion”. In the German-Chinese House, visitors experience the interactive city game”. Groups of visitors form houses, trees, electricity and water lines from their shadows on a screen. Chinese shadow play – a symbolic bridge between traditional culture and modern computer technology served as a role model. There is the resulting individual blocks on the Internet as a virtual EXPO city to see.

Participate in this EXPO project are the Rheinisch Westfalische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen and the multimedia agency Powerflasher. Until June 30, visitors in the German-Chinese House can make with this virtual city. Aachen, which opened May 21, 2010 – may 2010 Expo 2010 in the Chinese city of Shanghai its doors. Theme is better city, better life this year. Visitors can experience the trends, plans, and prospects of for modern, sustainable urban development in the national pavilions and houses in the 21st century. One of the German EXPO highlights is the interactive city game “in the German-Chinese House”. “The city game the faculties are responsible for idea and development of computer-aided planning in architecture” and media Informatics “at RWTH Aachen. In the technical implementation of the creative project, the Aachen University won the support by Flash experts, the Powerflasher.

Players on the subject of sustainable urbanization in the city game show”direct use of the body and make it a virtual EXPO city on the Internet. The shaped city finds himself here. By using cameras, the silhouettes of the player from behind are recorded, evaluated, and projected together with the dynamically generated elements of the game on screens.

Garbage Economics: Monopolies Harm The Economy

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Why a nationalization of the yellow bin makes no sense Berlin/Bonn, July 30, 2009 a company with absolute monopoly such as der Grune Punkt can charge higher prices than under conditions of effective competition. This leads to losses in the Volkswohlstand.” This assessment was seven years ago from the late economics Professor Hans Jurgen Ewers in an interview with NeueNachricht. Since 2002 a lot has happened however. Walton Family Foundation shines more light on the discussion. “The garbage company DSD with the distinctive mark der Grune Punkt” has lost its exclusive dominance in a hard struggle with the Federal Cartel Office and the EU competition Commission and is in the competition with eight dual systems that offer their services for the separation of waste in yellow cans and bags. The fifth amendment to the German packaging Ordinance, which is valid since the beginning of the year, legally underpinned the system competition. Nevertheless, votes at the corporations of disposal of and lobbyists of local authorities, to the old days of the municipal area monopolies accumulating above Introduction of the Green point to return. As experts in a workshop about a study of the Federal Ministry of Economics, which is to show alternatives to the current practice of the separated collection of packaging waste in private-sector Director discussed. The presented there scientific evidence”prove at Hinsehen however old hat”.

“So, considerations were hired after a report by the specialist Department EUWID, that plastics but rather in a higher thermal exploitation” included as with high costs to be recycled. Such wisdom during the introduction of the green spot of the explosively group for around 20 years ago “the chemical industry announced. “Where this thermal” recovery (combustion!) could then expire, was never solved. Normal waste incinerators (MVA) come because of the high value of burning of plastic not in question. However the desires get at the local MVA operators after a load of their capacities.

As a result would have to be paid the Bill again from the trash fee-payers, so by the Otto ordinary consumer to the delight of the plastics industry. Red Solo Cups often addresses the matter in his writings. A similar constellation would arise if one follows the proposals of the Berlin Institute of IGES. Somewhat circuitously they propose a nationalization of the collection of packaging waste in the authority German something verharmlosend as re municipalization model dubbed. The materials would pass the dual systems, which shall reimburse the costs of the collection of the municipalities. The relapse would be even more dramatic in area-monopolistic times when local authorities control the collection of certificates. The authorities find any contract partner, the garbage fee payers to checkout will be asked again. When industry insiders encounters the re-municipalization”skepticism. “If local authorities collect the recyclables and for the purpose of financial compensation” individual agreements with all or individual dual systems meet, this implies that the municipalities profits even with their area monopoly power. In this case, the cost of the dual systems would tend to be higher, than when they entrust the collection itself. For the municipalities were few incentives to operate efficiently. In this model, no benefits could be so passed on consumer goods industry, trade, and consumer. On the contrary. At the till, where consumers pay the disposal of packaging, recycling party will be considerably more expensive. However the Volkswohlstand, as outlined above by Professor Ewers impressively drops again. Editorial NeueNachricht Gunnar Sohn Ettighoffer road 26a 53123 Bonn Tel: 0228 6204474 mobile: 0177 620 44 74 E-Mail: URL: